Page 8 - Fountain and Water Works | Wed Generale Catalogue
P. 8

The shape 



Water has been an important and symbolic pretty much used to seeing lakes, small rivers, 

value both in the ancient and more recent sources. European Renaissance had just been 

history, as related to the spirituality and puri- a very important time for fountains, as they 

fication ideas.
were turned to a complex architectural part 

of a wider development and combination of 

Fountains are unreplaceable symbols and ele- iconographic shapes, such as Gods and angels’ 

ments in the Heaven’s depictions and yet in statues from whom water was made gush.

the gardens’ architecture, even if we can ap- 

preciate some outstanding differences when The gravity had been the hydraulic force ma- 

it comes to culture. Persian history and cul- king the water flow in a fountain for all the 

ture outlines the water as a standalone ele- ancient times. A big pond storing the water 

ment, whereas Japanese and Chinese tradi- at the highest point had been the hydraulics’ 

tion wants the water to flow and gush with basics for a very long while. Water push by 

no addition of mechanical aids – they were
gravity force could fall and gush out of the


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